Monday 23 September 2013

Weekend Adventures

Regardless of whether it's the weekend or a weekday, our days always start at around 5.30am when Ella starts singing in her cot and shortly after when she has woken Lucas, he will chime in too with cooing and gurgling noises.  Gone are the days when we would sleep in until 10am on a saturday or sunday.  The times when we have been without the kids, we still wake at the same ungodly hour regardless, we literally can't sleep in any more.

To make the most of the early rising I always try to get us out of the house so that we can go and do something fun as a family before Ella has her afternoon nap.  We usually end up going to the beach but it takes about an hour to get there from our house so it's a bit of a hike so for something different this weekend we decided to go down to our local National Park (Bobbin Head).  We stopped by a local bakery on the way there and got some freshly baked scones and french pastries so that we could have a little picnic breakfast when we got to our destination.

We ate our goodies, played in the park, strolled along the water and got chased by a cheeky bush turkey who seemed to like the look of our breakfast, particularly Ella's (her shrieks could be heard echoing through the bush!).

It wasn't all that exciting but it was a really lovely way to start off the weekend.

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