Sunday 15 September 2013

I Heart Sunday

1.  I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the bride and groom I made a wedding cake for.  They are absolutely beautiful.  Spring is definitely in the air.

2.  I took Ella to the Playschool Concert.  Her very first concert!

3.  She danced like a maniac!

4.  We met Tao afterwards

5.  This little guy just wanted to smile and play today

6.  My living room this morning.  I had full intentions to clean it up but I have to say that at 8pm it still looks exactly the same!  Oh well...I'll get to that tomorrow.

7.  Washing, washing, washing.

8.  I tinkered in the garden this afternoon.  Ella and I planted sunflowers a week ago and they have grown so much!  Unfortunately we are a few down though thanks to a pesky snail.

9.  Our strawberry plants are growing nicely too.  We are starting to see fruit!

10.  Meal planning for the week ahead and getting myself organised

11.  Tim cooked Jambalaya for dinner.  Yum!


I was never a fan of sunday.  The day was always ruined because I knew I had a long week of work ahead of me and it always made me think of the things that I hadn't done that I had wanted to do the previous week that was now going to carry forward.

Now that I am not working, I do still have a long week ahead, but I am choosing to see it as a clean slate and a day to plan ahead for all the things that I want/need to do and when I start off the week on a positive note like that, the week always seems to go much more smoothly - funny that!

Sunday is usually just a home day for us, but I like that.  We stay in our pyjamas well into the day, beds go unmade and we drink lots of tea or coffee.  Sunday is family time.

The last few weeks have been crazy busy but I am glad that this week I don't really have any appointments or things that absolutely must be done so I can slow down.  I'm looking forward to pottering around the house, cooking and spending lots of time enjoying the weather with the babies.

Here's to a clean slate and a positive week ahead.

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