Wednesday 11 September 2013

A springtime wedding cake

When a good friend of mine got engaged last year, straight away she asked me if I would make her cake.  Knowing that I was going to have a new baby on my hands by that stage I wasn't quite sure if I should say yes or not, but it is such a privilege to make somebody's wedding cake that I couldn't say no, especially to a friend.

I'm completely self taught when it comes to cake decorating and I am always so nervous when making a special cake like this.  There's so many things that can go wrong.  Along the way I have just learned to make sure that I plan well and make the cake with at least a day up my sleeve in case of any unforeseen issues.

For the last week I have been baking cakes (orange and poppyseed, chocolate mud and white chocolate mud cake).  I ganached them all yesterday and covered them in fondant last night and today I constructed the tiers and added the ribbons and pink roses.  I think it looks absolutely beautiful.  Perfect for a springtime wedding and it suits the bride perfectly.

I don't usually get to see the faces of the people I get to make the cakes for on their special days but I am fortunate enough to be attending the wedding on saturday and I can't wait to see the bride's face when she sees the cake for the first time.

Now I just have to get the thing to the reception!  Delivering the cake is by far the thing that I hate most, especially a whopper like this.  I'm not sure how much it weighs in total but there is nearly 3 kilos of chocolate in the ganache and 1.5 kilos of fondant, that's 4.5 kilos alone, not including the weight of the cakes themselves!  I will be nursing that thing in my lap like a precious baby come saturday.  I will be packing on the deodorant because I know that I will be sweating around every corner we take until we get there!

I haven't been to a wedding in a while so I'm really looking forward to it, and a night out with Tim without the kids.  I bought a new dress - a sassy red one (I've never owned anything red in my life!) - and I'm looking forward to getting dressed up since my uniform of late has been pyjamas or tracksuits around the house!

I love springtime and I love weddings...happy days!

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