Friday 20 September 2013


TGIF indeed, in fact I could throw another F in there for good measure after this week if you know what I mean.  It's been a long one and a tough one.  Ella started feeling sick on monday morning with a sniffly nose and Lucas had been sneezing for a few days prior to that.  Both babies were clingy and cranky and so most of the week was spent cuddling and trying to console these little people - isn't that a crazy juggling act.  Then to top it off Tim got sick also and had monday and friday off work.

I felt like I had no time to myself, every moment was spent looking after somebody else.  I know that sounds incredibly selfish but I couldn't help feeling that way.  I literally couldn't go to the toilet in peace because somebody was always screaming or trying to climb into my lap.  My patience was tested this week and at times I passed with flying colours and other times I threw bigger tantrums than the kids did.  Each night I flopped into bed exhausted, knowing that my night would not be restful, instead it would be punctuated with cries for mama each and every time I started to drift off to sleep.

Thankfully I didn't have any specific plans this week.  It was cold and windy most of the time so we spent most days indoors which was another kind of hell in itself.  Five days indoors is no joke with sick kids who want to go outside and don't understand that it's not good for them to play outside in the cold. So in between the tantrums and the snuggles we read lots of books, coloured, watched way too much television, cooked, crafted and cruised around in a 'bus' made from a nappy box in the living room - I had to get creative in the entertainment department which thankfully Ella appreciated. 

Both bubs have now recovered and most of the chaos has dissipated to its usual level.  It's the weekend and I plan to enjoy every moment of it.

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