Wednesday 25 January 2012

Little white lies

Since having Ella and going down to one income (prior to me going back to work of course) Tim and I resolved that we would have to start to be a bit more thrifty, not eat out so much, not waste the food that we do buy each week and to plan our meals better and so forth.

Tim works in the city and buying lunch in there means spending at least $15-$20 each day.  That's nearly $100 a week!  $5200 per year!  When you look at it like that it's ridiculous.  We could use that money for a nice holiday away, or Tim could buy more photography equipment - there's so many things we could spend that money on that would be better than dodgy sandwiches and bad takeaway chinese.

So with that in mind, I committed to making Tim lunch each day - well, as much as I could anyway.  Sometimes in the morning I am just too tired (if Ella has had a bad night) or just not that organised, but more often than not I will make lunch for him.  Ham, cheese and tomato toasties are the fave right now.  I put everything together and then he will put it in the pan in the kitchen at work.

I must admit that after not having to make him lunch in the morning before work during Christmas holidays, it was hard for me to get back into the swing of things when he returned, but I haven't been too bad.

On monday morning, my first day back at work, I was feeling good and getting all of my things done.  I was proud that I was so organised and even got to make Tim his lunch.  He left for work and I went about my things until I returned to the kitchen and saw his lunch still sitting on the bench.  Timmy can be a bit forgetful sometimes and it's something we laugh about all the time.

In the morning I received an email from him saying that he realised that he had forgotten his lunch and he felt really bad because he knew how busy I was in the morning but I had still made the effort for him.  Not to worry, we both just laughed it off.  He could just have it on tuesday anyway.

Tuesday rolls around, Tim goes to work and I looked in the fridge and discover that yet again, he had forgotten to take his lunch.  Timmy, Timmy, Timmy.  A barrage of silly texts back and forth ensues about how he's got the memory of an old man (he turns 34 on friday which he's not overly  excited about) and so forth but not to worry.

Now it's wednesday.  This time he remembers to take his lunch and makes a point of letting me know.

Along with our resolve to spend less money on food, we are also trying to be healthier by not snacking as much.  We eat good food, lots of veggies and fresh stuff at each meal, especially for dinner, but our downfall is that we like to snack.  No, we love to snack!  Chocolate, cookies, ice cream, you name it.  We will even go out of our way to go to the shops to get something if there is nothing in the cupboard.  How bad is that!?  It's guaranteed each night that at about 7.30pm we'll both be sitting on the couch and we'll look at each other and say "snack?".  We know it's bad every time we do it and we are trying really hard to stop.  We don't smoke or drink very much, but we are serial snackers I'm ashamed to say.  I am sure that if we stopped eating that stuff at night time we would both lose a lot of weight.

Anyway, conversion over dinner that night went a little something like this:

Me:  So did you finally eat your sandwich today?

Tim:  Yeah, I had meetings all day and I thought that they may have brought lunch in for us but my boss is so tight she didn't organise it, so I had my toastie.

Me:  I can't believe you forgot it so many times you idiot (or perhaps I may have used a different adjective to describe what I was trying to say).   Chuckle chuckle.

Tim:  Shut up!  (or perhaps he may have used another colourful term in retort)

We both just laughed...conversation turned to something else.

Then, we sat down after to watch a little bit of television.  Despite the fact the we happened to be watching The Biggest Loser I looked over at Tim, and this time the conversation went a little like this:

Me:  Snack? (with very guilty look on my face)

Tim:  No, I've been trying to be so good this week!  I haven't had anything for the last three nights.

Me:  Come on...just something little...

Tim:  No I'm being good!

Me:  (just looking at him with raised eyebrows...)

Tim:  Well I did have chinese for lunch so I've already been bad today...

Me:  (puzzled look on my face) what did you have for lunch?

Tim:  Chinese... (followed by blank look on face)

Me:  You had chinese for lunch?

Tim:  (penny drops and he realised he'd been caught out)

Me:  What happened to the toastie you had for lunch?!?!

We both couldn't stop laughing.  By this stage I had pounced on him and had started punching him playfully.  I had tears streaming down my face from laughing because I had caught him out and he felt like such an idiot.  He is the world's worst liar, or at least if he does lie, he can never keep it up like in this case.

Oh well, at least I know he appreciates it when I do make his lunch because he felt so bad when he forgot it so many time and he couldn't stop apologising.  Even if he doesn't actually eat it, that's gotta count for something right?


  1. i have read through some of your posts and they are lovely & funny. my husband does the same constantly with food and on the times he does take his lunch to work he somehow feels the need to eat it on the drive there!! i give up some days. he doesn't have to travel that far. anyway, lovely blog and lovely photos. your baby girl is adorable. nice to meet you!

    1. Hi MamaJots! Thank you so much for your lovely comment and for reading along. I am new to this blogging thing and really just do it, not only to document our life, but to get things out of my head because I tend to over think things at times and it helps me to put things in perspective. I never really thought that anybody else would follow me or be that interested in what I had to say. It's nice to know that I am sharing my little moments with you and I look forward to looking into your little world also.
