Tuesday 24 December 2013

Twas the night before Christmas...

It's Christmas eve and it's been hectic around here to say the least but I've decided to forget about my to do list and relax for the rest of the night - what's not done, will stay that way and that's ok.  All the important things are done, ie kids presents are wrapped under the tree, the cookies which Ella baked this afternoon and milk that we set outside for Santa have been eaten and drunk and the carrot for Rudolph has been sufficiently nibbled.

While doing some Christmas shopping the other day I suddenly felt completely overwhelmed.  I was in Target and had an armful of things and I stopped and looked down and thought to myself, do I really need half of this stuff?  The answer was no.  I had been completely sucked in by the sales and mark downs, and the pretty things, and the popular things, which I really have absolutely no need for, nor do my kids.  I actually put everything down in a pile and left the shops thinking that I really needed to reevaluate what I was doing.  I don't need to spend money on meaningless 'stuff', that's not what Christmas is about.

When I got home I told mum about my thoughts and we started talking about Christmas when she grew up.  She was the youngest of 10 children in a very poor family in Mauritius.  Each year for Christmas her mother would turn an old light bulb into a doll for the girls in the family.  She would hand paint a face onto the bulb and put crepe paper around the neck of the bulb to make a dress.  Mum said that she was always so proud of her dolls and would carry them around the house so very carefully with a huge smile on her face and I thought that was beautiful.

I significantly cut back on the gifts that I bought this year.  We bought an easel for Ella as well as some little stocking stuffer gifts like undies (we are able to tackle toilet training in the new year), colouring books and a couple of small toys and Lucas will be getting a toy monkey and a cute wooden alligator with wheels.  I also decided that I would make them both a gift this year.  I made Lucas a dream catcher to hang above his bed, and a mobile for Ella's bedroom.  I'd love to start a tradition of making a gift for them each year.

Ella asked Santa for a pony for Christmas, in fact she first mentioned it months ago.  I was happy to see that My Little Pony's are back!  I had many during my childhood and I'm sure mum has kept some so I will have to dig them up for Ella at some stage.  I made a trip to the Build a Bear Workshop the other day and was happy to see that they had a My Little Pony toy there that was perfect for Ella.  As I lined up to have the pony stuffed I was watching the little girl in front of me as she saw her bear coming to life.  She was so excited and it was so lovely to watch as she was asked to pick out a heart for her bear from a tub, hold it in her hands, rub her hands together, make a wish, kiss the heart and then insert it into the bear.  When it came to my turn I was surprised that they asked me to do the same thing (I thought it was just for the kids) and I have to admit that when they asked me to make a wish I became surprisingly sentimental as I thought of an appropriate wish to bestow on the pony for Ella.  My eyes actually started to well up a little bit.  Don't worry, when I told Tim, he laughed and told me he thought I was crazy too.  I can't wait to see her face this morning when she sees her pony.

Lucas obviously has no idea about Christmas yet but Santa has bought him a Midi Buck Racing Car that I am hoping he will be able to keep as a keepsake from his first Christmas for many years to come.

My family are coming over for lunch tomorrow and then we are going over to Tim's parents place in the evening.  I'm really looking forward to spending time with the people we love.  After all, that's what Christmas is about.  Not just giving and receiving 'stuff'.

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