Sunday 28 July 2013

Daddy's going back to work...

Tim was lucky enough to take three weeks off from work after I had Lucas, however today is the last day that he will be spending with us before he goes back to work tomorrow.  As much as he isn't really looking forward to going back to work after such a break, in a way I think he will feel relieved to get out of the house and away from all the chaos!

I've been so lucky to have him around to lend a helping hand whenever I needed it.  He has looked after the babies while I have caught up on sleep, he's taken Ella out on little adventures to get a bored toddler out of the house and let me have some time alone with Lucas, he's cooked, he's cleaned and more.  It's so easy with two babies when you have an extra pair of hands.

We've also spent some really nice days together as a family as well which has been so nice, particularly as the weather has warmed up.  We spent the day at Manly the other day walking around in the sunshine and we also spent the day at Luna Park on friday which was so much fun.  Ella had a ball at Coney Island sliding on all the slippery dips - there were many tears when we left!  Not even the promise of ice cream would appease her.

I am almost dreading tomorrow morning when Tim walks out the door.  How am I going to tend to a screaming Lucas when Ella is in the bath?  Who is going to whisk Ella away from removing everything from the fridge when I am feeding Lucas?  Who's going to make me cups of tea in the morning (ha ha)?  How on earth am I going to cook dinner in the evening?  I know that plenty of women do this every day but for me right now this seems really daunting.

Tomorrow is going to be challenging.  It's going to be a long day.  I am trying to stay positive and tell myself that "I've got this", but sadly I am predicting tears, not just from my children, but many from me too!  As with anything though, it will take time to adjust and eventually I know we'll find a natural routine that works and it will get easier.  In the meantime I'll just keep repeating my mantra - "I've got this" and hope that the more I say it the more I will start to believe it.

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