Friday 19 July 2013

Big Sister

Before Lucas was born we worried what it would be like for Ella to have a new person enter into our family.  Ella is a typical little Leo in every respect - loud, proud and she commands attention from us no matter where we are.  I have to admit I was preparing myself for the worst, imagining myself sitting down to feed Lucas and having her trying to pull me off the couch and screaming because she wanted me to do something else, but yet again, she has proven me wrong.

I can remember the first time she visited me in hospital after having the baby and meeting Lucas.  She walked into the room timidly with Tim and my mum.  I sat on the bed, Lucas in his crib next to me.  "Mama, mama" she exclaimed excitedly as she climbed onto the bed and examined all of the wrist bands I had on and the bandaid from where they had placed a canula.

She didn't notice Lucas straight away and it wasn't until we pointed him out that she realised there was a baby there.  She had a puzzled look on her face but we explained that the baby in my tummy had come out and that she was a big sister.  We had been trying to prepare her by telling her often that she was going to be a big sister and that soon we would have a baby in the house, but it is one thing to tell a near 2 year old that there will be a new baby, and another thing for them to actually comprehend what that means.

Eventually she warmed up to Lucas and began to softly pat his head and quickly hold his hand before giggling out loud.  It had only been a day since I'd seen her but somehow she seemed so much bigger now.  Even when I picked her up she seemed so much heavier.

When I came home from the hospital she played contentedly next to me as I fed Lucas and not once has she whinged when I have had to leave her to tend to a crying baby.  She is my little helper, even going so far as to hold the breast pump while I am expressing.

I know it's only early days and things could change but so far she has been perfect.  A little more clingy to daddy than usual but that's about it.  I am so proud of her.  She seems so grown up now compared to two weeks ago.

Each morning when she wakes up she says "morning baby Lucas!" and several times I have found her lifting the valance of Lucas' bassinet to peek inside at her baby brother.

I can't wait to see their relationship develop and I'm so looking forward to hearing their laughter floating through our house as they play together.

In just two weeks time she will be turning two and yet again I find myself asking where the time has gone.  I am so proud of this little girl.

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