Wednesday 4 July 2012

Ella...11 months

Sweet Ella

I can't believe how many changes we have seen in you recently.  In the last week or so I am absolutely amazed at the things that you have learned.  It's like all of a sudden a switch has been turned on and you really fully understand all the things that we have been saying to you for all these months.

You are so independent and so I am trying to give you as much freedom as I can (within reason) to do things for yourself.  I was brushing your hair the other day and gave you the brush and said "you do".  You usually just look at me and smile when I say this, but this time you held the brush and took it to your head and tried to brush your hair.  It was more like banging the brush against your head but you understood what to do!

In the bath the other night I said "you wash yourself" and you rubbed your hands over your big belly washing yourself.  Your smile was huge!  There are so many little things like this that you have picked up in the last week and I am so proud of you.  It makes me so excited to see you learn and understand all these new things, yet at the same time there is a slight pang of sandiness as I know that my baby is nearly not a baby any more.

The most exciting news of late though, is that you took your first steps on sunday.  I though it was a bit of an accident at first but then I stood you in the middle of the room and you took 3 steps to come to my open arms.  Your daddy and I were so happy for you.  Since then you have been starting to get a little more mobile.  A few tentative steps here and there, always with a cheeky dare devil look in your eyes.

I am trying to organise a first birthday party with family for you at the moment.  My mind has so many ideas swirling around.  I want it to be just perfect...even though you won't even remember the day.  Your daddy and I have also been having lots of fun finding presents for you.

Sweet Ella, you are the most precious things in our lives and make our little family complete.

Love mama.

These days you spend most of your time pulling things out of the drawers and annoying Archie.  You love to sit on daddy's tummy while you watch Giggle and Hoot before bedtime.

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