Tuesday 19 March 2013

Ella: 20 Months

Dear Ella

It's been a long time since I did an update on you!  Time is flying by as I say every single time.

You are currently 20 months old and what a challenging time it is.  You are constantly on the move and learning new things and you never cease to amaze me.  Sometimes you act like you have been on this earth before in a past life and I am just left shaking my head in wonder.

Here are a few things that I want to remember about you now:

  • Every morning when you wake up (at the crack of dawn thank you very much) you immediately start calling "daddy, daddy, daddy".  Then "mama, mama, mama, mama" over and over again.  Although it's a little hard being woken up at 5.30am each morning, I have to say that it's the nicest way to wake up hearing you call for us.  Sometimes daddy and I lie in bed and just listen to you call our names and we laugh to each other.  The tone and inflection you  use with each call is funny.  Sometimes if you get no response after calling for each of us you will say "nanny?", as if to say "someone? anyone?".  It's very sweet.

  • You've always been a fairly independent little person but you are even more so now.  You are so determined to do everything for yourself and get quite angry and frustrated if we try to help you, or God forbid, if we tell you that you can't do something.  Tantrums have been plenty around here lately.  Screaming, throwing yourself on the floor, arched back, the whole shebang.  If you don't get your own way, you will let us know how unhappy you are in no uncertain terms.  Although this is age is very fun with you, it's also easily the most challenging as we try to work out how to let you have a little freedom while still letting you know who's boss.
  • You used to be a little shy around people, and in some cases you still are but more recently you have been coming out of your shell a bit more.  Whenever we go to the shops or somewhere in public you happily wave and say hello to anybody who passes by. This always brings a smile to their faces and makes my heart melt.  I feel very proud of you.

  • I am blown away by how many words you now know.  I was a little worried that you weren't talking very much but then all of a sudden words just came tumbling out of your mouth and they haven't stopped.  I love listening to your babbling and hearing you start to form a few word sentences.
  • You used to love eating food but now you have become a very fussy eater.  Most dinner times are met with you pursing your lips and shaking your head furiously.  The one thing that I can guarantee that you will eat though is sushi.  By far your most favourite food and your most used word.  Whenever we enter a shopping centre you start repeating "sushi, sushi, sushi".  I guess there are worse things that you could be eating but we need to try and get you to eat some veggies!
  • You are extremely loud!  Most things you do by yelling enthusiastically and boisterously, with a massive grin on your face.  We are trying to teach you how to use a quiet voice and have to laugh when sometimes we are sitting quietly and then all of a sudden you will say "mama, shhhh!" and put your little finger on your nose instead of over your lips. It's you who needs to shhhh most of the time!
  • We had your 18 month check up a few months back now and you are still off the charts when it comes to your height.  You have the longest legs which unfortunately are starting to lose their chub.  Those gorgeous fat rolls are starting to disappear as you become leaner thanks to your constant moving about and exploring.
  • You give us the sweetest kisses on our lips and every time you do this it just makes me want to cry.  All tantrums and hard times are forgotten when you lean in and give us a little kiss.  You also still love to do 'rubby nosey' with your nanny.  It's your special thing with each other where you give Eskimo kisses with your nose.  Whenever you do this it is also followed by hysterical laughter.

  • You are obsessed with washing up.  Whenever I turn on a tap in the kitchen you drag a chair over and have to help me.  You are also obsessed with your gumboots.  Wanting to wear them everywhere.
  • You are rocking a mullet right now.  You don't really have much hair but it has grown quite a bit lately but mostly at the back.  A lot of people still glance at you and think you are a boy even though I think you look nothing like a boy.  You have also developed the most beautiful curls and I can't wait to put them into tiny little piggy tails.

Although this is a challenging time we are having so much fun with you as your quirky little personality shines through more and more each day.

We love you so much!


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