Wednesday 8 August 2012

Ella's Birthday


Last friday was Ella's first birthday.  Even though I know she won't remember a thing about it I wanted to make it special for her.  Plus, it was a celebration for Tim and I as well.  This was probably the most challenging year that we've had together.  Not in a bad way, but there are so many changes you experience as a couple when a new little person enters your family and there is obviously a new dynamic to the relationship which takes some time getting used to.  So really, friday was a really special day to be celebrated by us all.

Tim took the day off work which was nice.  All week the weather had been perfect, almost like Spring which really seems to have rejuvenated my spirits.  I've been a bit out of sorts lately - not much motivation.  We woke up on the morning of her birthday and it was cloudy.  Oh well, you can't help these things.

I couldn't wait to get up and see Ella.  I walked into her bedroom when she woke up and sang happy birthday to her while she looked at me with a strange expression on her face.  We all played in bed together and Tim and I marvelled at how much she had changed over the last year.  We are absolutely blown away by how quickly she is learning new things and the changes she is going through from a baby to a toddler.

When we brought her downstairs, her presents were waiting for her.  She wasn't all that excited about them I have to say.  We tried not to go overboard with the presents, just a few things we thought she would really like.  We bought her a Wheely Bug...which she loved but she's too tall for it so I have to try and sell it and get the next size up!  We also bought her some books since she loves reading so much, a beautiful Jack In A Box which never fails to make her laugh every time the little clown pops up, a cute Hoot bean bag and a cockatoo hand puppet because she is obsessed with birds, particularly cocky's as our neighbours feed them and she loves to watch them in the morning.  Of course, the puppet was the cheapest thing we bought (a bargain at $5!!) and it's her new favourite thing.  She clutched it for the entire day and still plucks it out from her pile of toys to play with each day.

Daddy made pancakes for breakfast and as we ate them the sun came out and it turned into another perfect day.  We decided to head down to a cafe and play area at Pittwater and spend the day next to the water.  We had lunch in the sun, played in the play ground and let Ella roam freely in the beautiful grassy park next to the water.  She is a little adventurer and loves the outdoors.  Once we put her down she was off without even a glance back at us (this was unheard of only a few weeks ago - she basically wouldn't leave our sides) and explored for a good hour or so before she got tired.  Needless to say she fell asleep as soon as we got in the car to go home.

We celebrated in the evening with a little cake and lots of cuddles.  She's never really been a snuggly baby, she always just wanted to do her own thing and not be held.  Although she still has a very strong will and wants to do her own thing, she's really started to become affectionate.  After dinner she hopped into my lap and just lay on my chest as content as anything.  That moment was pure bliss for me.  The end to such a simple day with my little family.

Before her birthday, I had a really hard time coming to terms with the fact that she was turning one.  I know it sounds silly but I cried several times just at the thought (Tim thinks I'm crazy!).  I looked at photos of her on the day that she was born and I can't put into words the feelings that overcome me as I think of how quickly she is growing up.  Although I'm sad that the real baby phase is over, I have to say that at this age I am probably the most comfortable I have ever been as a mother and I can't wait to see what the year ahead brings, not only for Ella, but for Tim and I as we grow as well.

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