Wednesday, 26 September 2012

A little roadside happiness

I've always lived in the city, however spent a lot of time in the country growing up and I always feel at my best when I'm in quiet, wide open spaces.  I feel grounded.  I dream of one day living in the country.  A dream that I think of often, but don't quite think I am ready for at this stage in my life.

Although in my mind I have romantic notions of living in a quaint little house in the country with Tim, growing my own fruit and vegetables and raising babies who can run around in the wide open spaces, getting grubby and learning about nature, I recently came to terms with the fact that the timing of this dream is not quite right. 

I am not ready to leave family and friends behind to venture somewhere new and start over and at the back of my mind I wonder if it may also mean that my children may miss out on certain opportunities which may not be available to them in rural areas.  Having said that, there are innumerable things that growing up in the country can give you that you don't experience living in the city.  I was lucky enough to experience the best of both worlds in a way.

Right now, we live in the suburbs of Sydney, but only a very short drive away the buildings get smaller and farther apart and things become greener.  I love that on my way to work, in a matter of minutes I am looking at open paddocks and can see the mountains in the near distance.  I am thankful that I am driving towards this instead of the chaos of the city each day.

With my window down and the fresh air blowing in, my mornings are instantly lifted.  I drive by roadside stalls selling fresh fruit and vegetables and beautiful flowers.  Where there's an honesty box to pay instead of a cash register which seems so out of place in this day and age, but I'm glad it's not.  I feel good about buying fresh produce from a local farmer rather than going to a big supermarket chain (although I still have to do my fair share of this) and the flowers that I place on my table always last longer and make me feel happier when I look at them than when I buy a bunch from a florist at the shopping centre.  Somehow it just seems more meaningful.

The pictures above are of a tiny stall that I drive past each day on the way to work and whenever I see it, it just instantly lifts my mood.

So while one day I will have my quaint house with Tim, and my fruit and veges, perhaps the children at my feet with be visiting grandchildren, rather than my own babies.  I love living in the burbs, in our first house that we worked hard to buy together and poured so much into to turn it into our home, because again, I have the best of both worlds.  For now I will settle for this cart to be my romantic notion of country happiness each day.

Monday, 17 September 2012

The weekend

This weekend was spent mainly outside in our little back yard.  The weather was just perfect.

I made daisy chains and clover crowns with Ella while Tim worked on building a new retaining wall.

The photo below is not the best to demonstrate it, but gosh I love seeing my husband wearing work boots.  I reckon he's got better pins than I do!

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Under the weather

Our household has been pretty  quiet for the last week or so.  Last weekend I was hit with a bug that knocked me out.  I haven't been that sick in a long time.  Throat on fire, completely blocked nose and bad cough.  Not so nice.

Tim had been trying to fight the same thing off for a few weeks and Ella came down with a very mild version as well.  So we were all feeling a little sorry for ourselves.

I am finally starting to feel back to normal now and as I came out of the haze I had a new drive to get things in order.  I spent the day on friday sorting out all our paperwork in the computer room and starting a spring clean.  It felt good to do those things.

Yesterday all I felt like doing was cooking.  Four years ago Tim and I went to America for an extended holiday.  Best time of my life ever.  We loved New York (who doesn't) and ate the best pulled pork I've ever had there, so I decided to try and cook it myself.

I found a recipe here and set about cooking it slowly during the afternoon.  I'm happy to say that it turned out really well and was absolutely delicious - so tender and juicy.  Not quite the same as what we had in New York, but great none the less.  I'll definitely be cooking it again.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Ella ...13 months


  • Height - 181cm
  • Weight - 13 kilos
  • Clothes - size 2
  • Shoes - size 4


  • Nanny - Every time nanny comes to the door you light up and wave like crazy.  Even I don't get that reception when I come home!  I don't blame you for loving her so much though.
  • Cheese!  If there's one thing that you love to eat it's cheese.  Even if there's nothing else I can get you to eat.  You can't quite say the word but you often sit in your high chair and bop up and down saying "chee" while clapping.  Sultana's are also another favourite.
  • Wandering around the backyard or park.  You could spend hours on end just walking around and exploring and never seem to get tired of it.
  • My iPhone.   You have just worked out how to turn the screen on and love to look at the screen shot photo that comes up of you and daddy.  It's scary how easily you learn how to use the phone and you know how to run your finger across the screen to move it, and pinch your fingers to make a picture bigger or smaller.  You're 13 months old for heaven's sake!
  • Listening to music and dancing.


  • Leaving the park.  I dread putting you back in the pram because you kick and scream as if you're being abducted by a stranger and everyone stares at me!
  • Being told that you can't do something.  It's your way or the highway according to you.


  • Mama
  • Dada
  • Bubba
  • Archie
  • Chee (cheese)
  • Quack (as in the duck sound - however you say 'kuck, kuck, kuck' every time you see a bird.  Close though. 
  • Puppy
  • Bird
  • Elmo.  You love  your Elmo doll but your first pair of shoes was a little pair of sneakers with Elmo on them.  You now insist on calling any kind of shoe 'Elmo'.

Thursday, 6 September 2012


I haven't written anything on her for quite a while now.  I haven't really had much to say.  Actually that's not quite true, I have a lot of things swirling around in my mind but I'm not really sure I know how to articulate them.  Maybe they don't need to be articulated.  Who knows.

My little reset the other weekend did me a world of good though.  I've had a completely different outlook on things.  The warmer weather has certainly helped.

I've been spending my days (when I'm not working) outside with Ella, enjoying the sunshine on our shoulders and the warm air blowing on our faces while we swing and run around on the grass.  

Life is good.